What Exactly Is Real Time Data Processing?

What Exactly Is Real Time Data Processing?


Real-time business intelligence (RTBI) is an emerging technology in the field of data analytics. It uses Big Data to analyze incoming data as it happens, and makes decisions in real time. RTBI helps organizations achieve better results by providing real-time insights into critical business processes such as manufacturing, customer service, sales and marketing, etc.

What Exactly Is Real Time Data Processing?

Real Time Data Processing

Real-time data processing is the ability to analyze and make decisions on incoming data in real time. It’s a subset of big data analytics, which refers to the use of advanced statistical methods and computer algorithms to analyze large amounts of complex data. Real-time processing isn’t limited to one industry; it can be applied in any industry where there’s high volume or velocity (the speed at which information changes) of incoming data streams that need immediate attention.

For example, imagine that you’re driving along and see smoke coming from your car engine–you want to know what’s wrong with your vehicle right now so that you can get it repaired before anything worse happens! Or perhaps you’re waiting for an important phone call and want an alert when it comes through so that you don’t miss it even if your phone is turned off or silenced while driving down the freeway at 90 miles per hour…these are both examples where real time processing would come into play because they involve receiving new information fast enough so as not have any impact on our decision making process.”

Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) Vs. Real Time Business Intelligence (RTBI)

Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) is based on historical data, which means it’s not always accurate or timely. Real Time Business Intelligence (RTBI), on the other hand, uses real-time data to help you make better decisions faster.

So what is this “real time” we’re talking about? It’s not just any old type of information you can get from your computer; it’s data that is updated in real time as events happen–like a live video stream or instant messaging app where new messages appear as they are sent by users. This helps businesses make better decisions because they have access to up-to-date information that tells them what customers want now instead of months from now when someone finally gets around to analyzing all those reports!

Advantages of Real-Time BI/Analytics

  • Real-time BI/analytics can provide a competitive advantage.
  • Real-time BI/analytics can be used to make better decisions.
  • Real-time BI/analytics can be used to optimize business processes, thus improving customer experience and revenue generation for your organization.

How to Receive Real Time Data?

Receiving real time data is a very important part of your business. It can help you make better decisions and improve your business processes, which in turn leads to better profits.

Real time data can be received from a variety of sources such as sensors and machines, web applications, social networks etc..

What are the Challenges of Real-Time BI/Analytics?

Real-time data processing is not a new technology. It has been around for decades, but it’s only recently that businesses are using real-time BI/analytics to gain the competitive edge.

To understand the challenges involved in implementing real-time BI/analytics, let’s first look at some of the primary drivers behind this trend:

  • Businesses want to be able to analyze their data as soon as it arrives, without having to wait hours or days for long batch processes to complete. This way they can react faster and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.
  • They also need access from any device at any time–a necessity in today’s mobile world where employees expect instant access wherever they are working (or playing).

Data analysis is no longer limited to historical data. It is possible to analyze any kind of data in real time.

Real-time data processing is the ability to analyze any kind of data in real time. You can think of it as the next step up from traditional business intelligence (BI), which uses historical data to make decisions. For example, if you want to know how many people visited your website last month, BI will provide this information based on historical trends and analysis of previous visits. Real-time analysis is different because it allows you to track visitors right now–not just those who visited before or after a certain date or time period.

Real-time analysis has several advantages over traditional BI:

  • It’s more accurate because it doesn’t require assumptions about future events based on past experiences
  • It helps businesses respond faster when things happen unexpectedly


Real time data processing is a useful tool for businesses that need to make quick decisions. It provides the ability to analyze data in real time and receive insights about customers or products before they become available through traditional methods such as reports or dashboards. However, there are some challenges associated with implementing this kind of technology which we will discuss later in this article

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