Cloud Computing – State of the Art (Infographic)

Cloud Computing – State of the Art (Infographic)


Cloud computing is a technology that has been around for several years now. The technology is gaining more traction every year and is being adopted by organizations of all sizes. Cloud computing has been a part of the IT industry for some time, but there seems to be some confusion as to what exactly it is and why it’s so popular. This article will clear up any questions you may have about this exciting technology!

Cloud Computing – State of the Art (Infographic)

Cloud Computing has been around for a few years now. The technology is gaining more traction every year and is being adopted by organizations of all sizes.

Cloud computing has been around for a few years now. The technology is gaining more traction every year and is being adopted by organizations of all sizes.

The infographic below shows the state of cloud computing in 2017, including:

  • Cloud Computing Trends (e.g., public vs private, hybrid)
  • How It Works (e.g., virtual machines)

Just as there are different deployment models, there are also several categories of cloud computing. These include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Desktop as a Service (DaaS).

Just as there are different deployment models, there are also several categories of cloud computing. These include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Desktop as a Service (DaaS).

IaaS provides virtual machines, storage and networking capabilities to users on demand. The user can then deploy applications on these services to build their own private cloud infrastructure. PaaS offers pre-packaged software or application frameworks that allow users to develop applications without worrying about underlying hardware or operating systems. With SaaS you only pay for access to the service while DaaS enables you to use your own computer hardware remotely from anywhere in the world using remote desktop software like LogMeIn .

A major benefit of cloud computing is that it helps companies to save money on both hardware and software. Software solutions can be implemented faster and with less costs than traditional systems.

Cloud computing can reduce costs in a number of ways. First, it reduces the cost of hardware by using virtual machines instead of physical servers. Second, cloud computing can help companies save money on software by allowing them to use applications that are already available as a service. This can also shorten deployment time and improve security posture.

Cloud computing is also an excellent way for companies to improve their security posture by making use of the latest security features that are available only in this model of deployment.

Cloud computing is also an excellent way for companies to improve their security posture by making use of the latest security features that are available only in this model of deployment. For example, cloud-based anti-malware products offer more protection against malware than traditional anti-virus software because they can detect sophisticated attacks that use encryption to hide themselves from traditional AV products.

Cloud servers are also equipped with advanced firewalls that can block DDoS attacks before they reach your computer or network, which makes it harder for hackers to take down your systems and steal sensitive data such as credit card information or social security numbers.

Cloud computing can help companies save money, speed up deployments and improve their security posture.

Cloud computing is a great way for companies to save money, speed up deployments and improve their security posture.

Cloud computing can help companies save money by eliminating the need for expensive hardware and software purchases. Instead of purchasing expensive servers and other components, businesses can rent them from an external vendor through a cloud service provider like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform. This means that they only pay for what they use–when they need it–which leads to significant cost savings over time (and no more having to worry about maintenance).

Another advantage of cloud computing is its ability to speed up deployment times: once an app has been developed on one platform (such as AWS), it can be easily ported over onto any other platform without having any effect on performance or functionality because all applications run off shared resources rather than dedicated ones like those found within traditional data centers.”


Cloud computing is an exciting technology that can help companies of all sizes to improve their business processes and security posture. The cloud offers many benefits over traditional systems, including faster deployments, lower costs and better security. If you’re considering implementing cloud solutions in your organization or want more information on how they work, then this infographic provides all the information needed on what it takes to run a successful project!

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